An Alternative Controller for a Virtual Bowed String Instrument


Stefania Serafin, Richard Dudas


One of the principal interests in building a virtual instrument model that works in real-time is the possibility of having interactive control of all its parameters. This means that the performer receives immediate audible feedback from his instrument so he can easily adjust and modify the sound produced while he is playing. This interactivity makes sense only if one is provided with a tool powerful enough to control the many parameters of a complex instrument model. Digitizing tablets, which have been developed primarily for the computer graphics field, have interesting applications to the control of sound synthesis, because they provide a substantial quantity of gestural data via a minimum amount of hardware.

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Where this paper has been cited:

• Zbyszynski, M, Wright, M., Momeni, A., Cullen, D., “Ten years of tablet musical interfaces at CNMAT”Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), New York, NY, 2007

• Serafin, Stefania, The Sound of Friction: Real-Time Models, Playability and Musical Applications, PhD Dissertation, Stanford University, 2004

• Strange, P., Strange, A., The Contemporary Violin: Extended Performance Techniques, Scarecrow Press, 2003

• Strange, P., Strange, A., The Contemporary Violin: Extended Performance Techniques, First Edition, University of California Press, 2001