For the purposes of this website, a heavily abridged CV, listing professional organization affiliation, employment and education is provided below.
A full, current CV in .pdf format can be downloaded here.
1997-present International Computer Music Association (ICMA)
- President of the Association 2017
- Elected At-Large Board Member 2008-2015
- General member of the association 1997-2007
2010-present Asia Computer Music Project (ACMP)
- Board member of the association
2010-present Japanese Sonic Arts Society (JSSA)
- General member of the association
2009-present Korean Electro Acoustic Music Association (KEAMS)
- On the editing committee of the association’s journal Emile 2011-present
- Gereral member of the association 2009-present
2008-present Electronic Music Foundation (EMF)
- Gereral member of the association
2008–present Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
- Associate Professor, School of Music, Department of Composition (2015-present)
- Assistant Professor, School of Music, Department of Composition (2008-2014)
- Visiting Lecturer, School of Music, Department of Composition (2007)
- Instructor for Graduate and Undergraduate courses in computer music and composition
- Individual lessons and mentoring for Graduate and Undergraduate composition students
1998–2008 Cycling ’74, Inc., San Francisco, California, USA
- Musical software research and development (C programming) for Max/MSP software
- Co-development with Giuseppe DiGiugno for “MIRA” DSP project at La Kitchen, Paris, 2000
- Graphic design for “Pluggo” software packaging, 1998
2002 State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, USA
- Visiting Lecturer, Music Department (one-semester teaching position):
- Instructor for Graduate and Undergraduate level courses (see Courses Taught, below)
- Individual lessons and mentoring for Graduate composition students
1999-01 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA
- Graduate Student Instructor, Music Department:
- Librarian for U.C. Berkeley Symphony Orchestra, 2001
- Instructor for various Undergraduate music courses
1998-99 Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT), Berkeley, California, USA
- Musical software development (C programming)
1997-98 Institut de Recherche et Coördination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM), Paris, France
- Animateur du Forum: Technical support, Conferences and Presentations of IRCAM software/technology
1996-98 IRCAM Pédagogie, Paris, France
- Assistant Musical Chargé de Cours: Instructor for the one-year Cursus
- Instructor for Summer and weekend software workshops
2001-04 University of California, Berkeley, California, USA
- Ph.D., Music Composition, 2004
- Composition studies with Edmund Campion and John Thow
- Computer Music studies at CNMAT (Center for New Music and Audio Technologies) with David Wessel
1998-2001 University of California, Berkeley, California, USA
- M.A., Music Composition, 2001
- Composition Studies with John Thow and Olly Wilson
- Computer Music studies at CNMAT with David Wessel
1992-96 Conservatoire National de Région de Nice, France
- Study of Composition and Electro-Acoustic Studio Techniques with Michel Pascal
- Studies and Studio work at CIRM (Centre Interational de Recherche Musicale) with Michel Redolfi
- Workshops with Jean-Claude Risset, Terry Riley and Guy Reibel, 1992
1990-92 Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Főiskola (Franz Liszt Academy of Music), Budapest, Hungary
- Study of Composition with János Vajda
- Harpsichord studies with Anikó Horváth
- Computer music work in the Magyar Radió Electronic Music Studio
1989-90 Lugano Academy of the Electronic Arts – Summer Academy, Lugano, Switzerland
- Workshops with Joel Chadabe, Bruno Spoerri and Kenneth J. Peacock
1986-90 Peabody Conservatory of Music of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- B.Mus, Music Composition, 1990
- Composition studies with Jean Eichelberger Ivey, Robert Hall Lewis and Morris Moshe Cotel
- Electronic and Computer Music studies with Jean Ivey, Geoffrey Wright and McGregor Boyle
- Masterclasses with Lukas Foss, Jacob Druckman and Barton and Priscilla McLean, 1989, 1990